Thursday, February 26, 2009


I'm just so amazed at how the Lord is working out things....things I really never thought possible. Not that I didn't have the faith to believe for it. But in reality, I didn't think all this would happen for another 10 or 20 years! And so continues my life as an epic movie. You know the 8-hour mini-series type movies.

I told God, and James and Cassie that I would follow them wherever they went. That I felt like the Lord wanted me to. Even if it meant going all the way to Mexico.'s looking more and more like that will be the case.
The thought literally blows my mind! Why would God make me a missionary? Geez! Crazy sounding huh?

I read in my Bible last night about devoting ones tithes and possessions to the Lord. And it went on to read in the side-panel about how serious devotion was. That it can't be taken lightly. That devotion is an all-out, wholehearted dedication to the Lord. Having a willingness to do and go wherever the Lord purposes you to go.
So, I'm asking the Lord for help in increasing my faith to be able to live up to this type of devotion.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

How He Loves Us

I had to share this with you. A very precious person led me to this today, and I had to share with you how much it truly touched my heart, i hope it does yours the same.
The song is How He Loves Us...but the implications go so much deeper than I can relate via email. My heart constricts with...with a supernatural love that can only be the kind of our Father.
So often we (I) let the "troubles" of this effervescent world bog us down. The things in the here and now, that require our attention, but have no relevence to eternity, yet that we let get the best of us, when there are so many more important things that require our focus. The precious precious people of the unreached world for one. How often do they cross our mind during the day...and how often do we tuck that thought aside for later. It breaks my heart to think how much I've done that. It breaks my heart to think how often I've placed my miniscule "needs" above those people's. Have we not been commissioned for that...the time is our now.
I struggle to express this thing that the Lord has pressed so heavily into my heart. I feel my human vocabulary cannot even begin to describe the magnitude of it.
Simply saying...He loves us. Even when we can't see it or hear it or sometimes feel it. But He's there in the stillness... supporting and holding us up nonetheless. We are His physical extension...His arms to the hurting and lost...for His love to shine thru us.
I don't know if I've managed to explain what He has shown me tonight... But my prayer is that whatever any of you, my friends, are going thru, dealing with, or believing for...He loves us...oh how He loves us. Show that love to someone, everyone you meet - it very well could not only make their day, but change their life forever.

So check out this worship video. It is long, but listen to the heartfelt words and let them work in your own heart.